What medications or treatment would you expect the individual to be receiving based on the identified psychiatric condition observed?

Name of Movie:

General summary of movie:

Character description-describe primary character’s role & character development. Discuss how the disease effects the individual’s role/life. Discuss initial family dynamics, caregiver and/or family dynamic changes as a result of dealing with mental illness or addiction, struggles, shortcomings, strengths. How the disease effects the family.

Psychiatric condition identified:
Were classic symptoms observed? Is so, describe and provide examples.

How did the psychiatric condition affect others?

Was treatment involved? Describe the treatment type, duration? Identified obstacles to receiving treatment?

Pro’s & Con’s of the treatment provided?

What medications or treatment would you expect the individual to be receiving based on the identified psychiatric condition observed? List with rationale.

Were they offered to the patient in the movie?

What interdisciplinary teams were available for the patient and/or family?

What safety concerns were identified pertaining to the patient and/or others?

At risk behaviors?

Add self-reflection journal entry describing your experience watching the movie. How did you feel during the “journey?”
By viewing a “movie” did you feel you had any of the following?

Did you gain greater insight to the disease process?

Did you gain greater insight to treatment plan?

Did you gain greater insight to how the disease effects family dynamics? Various coping mechanisms? Work environment?

Was the movie current or out dated? If applicable, how have things changed today related to treatment options, society, family dynamics? Discuss “how so?”

Post viewing, was this exercise perceived as beneficial towards your psych clinical learning