What would you have done differently, and what advice would you give to others preparing and writing a research paper?

Please analyze and explain your research and writing process in the semester. Please explore your research methodology in a fully developed manner.

The research topic you chose for the final paper. (What did you learn about this topic through your research?)
The Milestones you completed toward your research paper. (What did you learn about the research paper writing process?)
Your Research Methodology (Where did you find your resources, what sources did you use, and how did you use your sources?)
What were the hardest and easiest parts of writing this research paper?
What would you have done differently, and what advice would you give to others preparing and writing a research paper?
Create clear paragraphs that include these various topics, and be as specific and detailed as possible. Be sure to include an intro and thesis, a minimum 3-paragraph body, and a conclusion.