How do you evaluate yourself in terms of critical thinking skills? Give a few examples.

Hi, below are the essay instructions:

In this individual assignment, you are expected to reflect on your experience in this course so far by focusing on various elements of critical thinking. Your paper should reflect a critical analysis of the critical thinking concept through an emphasis on examples, personal stories, and an account of how your previous ideas have evolved due to your readings and class discussions. Your paper must address the following questions:
• What is your stance on critical thinking as a professional and personal skill?
• How do you evaluate yourself in terms of critical thinking skills? Give a few examples.
• What do you think on our discussions on critical thinking? What do you see as the most interesting and transformative point(s) for you in discussions and readings? (You may challenge discussion points and readings here).

Format: Times New Roman, 12 points, double space, minimum 1.300 words.

The grading rubric is attached below thank u so much!