Describe and support the fact that the Catholic Church must continue to evolve and adapt to keep up with society that as a whole as changing values, beliefs, and is more accepting of alternate lifestyles.

Thesis describing and support the fact that the Catholic Church must continue to evolve and adapt to keep up with society that as a whole as changing values, beliefs, and is more accepting of alternate lifestyles. Failing to do so will result in the continuing loss of parishioners and ultimate death of the religion.

It must be in Times New Roman font, 12 point, and spaced at 1½ spaces between lines. The minimum acceptable page length of your Senior Thesis is ten (10) pages — not including title page, notes, or bibliography. The thesis must include a title page containing your title, your name and a one paragraph abstract of your thesis. Footnotes to sources are required and must be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Footnotes may appear in a “Notes” section at the end of the paper, referenced by page number and footnote number. A bibliography in standard form must be included. Please see the sample thesis elements included among the course materials for title page format, content format, footnote format and bibliography format.