What are some forms of Buddhist meditation? How does one practice them?

Choose one of the following topics to make your initial post of about 150-200 words.
1. Buddhist Practices: You have a choice of materials to view and discuss this week. This week let’s discuss different forms of Buddhism. Choose one of the links below and address what features of Buddhist belief and practice are evident in this media. Be specific – describe a feature you observe (or quote), and then point to what specific Buddhist teaching it illustrates. How does this help one in the path to nirvana?

Thich Nhat Hanh, Principles of Engaged Buddhism (text):
Tibetan Buddhism, Construction (and Destruction) of a sand mandala (video):
Zen Buddhism, short introduction to Zen practice (video):
2. Meditation: Meditation is an important part of Buddhist practice. What are some forms of Buddhist meditation? How does one practice them?