Why couldn’t W.J. tell researchers what he saw when an image was presented to his righthemisphere? Use the terms contralateral and ipsilateral in your answer.

A Tale of Two HalvesRead the attached article, A Tale of Two Halves, then answer the following questions.1) Was this procedure ethical? Do you feel that it is ethically different from a lobotomy?2) Why couldn’t W.J. tell researchers what he saw when an image was presented to his righthemisphere? Use the terms contralateral and ipsilateral in your answer.3) Think about this in terms of visual fields. A patent would not be able to verbalize that theysaw an image if it was presented to which visual field?4) We have been talking about the left hemisphere as having all language capabilities, but workfrom split brain patients shows that this is not entirely true. What language capabilities does theright hemisphere have? Give an example.5) Why do you think coordinated movements are unaffected by the corpus callosotomy? Give anexample.