Explain how to promote productive student behaviours and incorporate strategies and approaches that demonstrate the practical application of a preventative approach.


WEIGHTING: 45% (1,800 words)

Prevention is better than cure (McDonald 2013). Focussing on the prevention of unproductive student behaviours prepare an essay that presents and provides evidence for an approach to managing a learning environment. In particular, your plan should outline how to promote productive student behaviours and incorporate strategies and approaches that demonstrate the practical application of a preventative approach.
This academic paper should demonstrate engagement with the course materials and reflect the MLE Course Principles and 4S Framework. To do this, you should use and acknowledge information from course readings, lectures and workshops. You will also need to read beyond the required readings to ensure that your chosen approach and discussion is founded upon theory and research.
You are expected to apply the conventions of academic writing and referencing. The Harvard referencing system must be used within the paper and in the reference list.
The length of this paper should be approximately 1,800 words, with 2,000 words as an absolute maximum.