Explain.What about men? What role do they have in language about or towards women?

To earn a superior grade, this paper (and all papers in this class) should be written like a research paper with citations from the assigned readings throughout. Keep your personal opinions confined to the self-reflection paragraph. Questions posed here in my instructions are meant to be a jumping-off place, and not meant to be literally interpreted, or answered strictly, or directly. Your paper should be in a narrative format, not a Q&A. See Rubric to fully understand how the paper will be scored.

Using readings from the class thus far (all units), consider the following:

Gender normative patterns of communication. What consequences do women face when norms are broken? What are the benefits?

Can language, or ways of speaking, be used a form of resistance to the hetero-patriarchy?


Should women “tone down” how they talk to each other, and to men/gender neutral?

What about men? What role do they have in language about or towards women?

Discuss in your writing, language about women.

Last, briefly reflect: How do you feel when someone uses a sexist term when addressing or discussing a woman/women? Is it appropriate?

Be sure to cite from the articles and chapter readings, and include a reference list. You should have at least 3 references (minimum 3 Authors; use reference list to fully understand when you using a different source) and many, many citations in your paper.

Add a reference list so I know which articles you pulled from (min, 3 listed for full points).

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