Briefly describe the anticipated and achievable project-specific output and deliverables that will be required at the completion of the capstone project.

3. Project Description and Impact
The project description addresses the problem, challenge, opportunity, or issue facing the organization or industry. Identification of a chosen problem or a need must be clearly defined along with realistic and achievable objectives. State the clear purpose statement, expected outcomes and potential impact. The purpose statement should be specific, clear and goal-oriented.
4. Approach
Discuss in detail the approach you will take to complete the project. This section should include methods you will use to gather the information that you will include in your capstone project. Your topic should define the method you deem appropriate for collecting information. Data can be collected by using qualitative or quantitative data methods such as interview, surveys, focus groups, questionnaire, or library/database research. You should provide a clear description of methodology and a discussion of why a particular approach will be used.
5. Project Deliverables
Briefly describe the anticipated and achievable project-specific output and deliverables that will be required at the completion of the capstone project. Students are to be specific about the deliverables or project outputs. Students should be cognizant of the fact that final product format will depend on the project, but potential products could include but not restricted to, a report, a business plan, a model, a prototype, an article for publication, a poster, a video, etc.
6. Teams
Describe the relevant expertise, specific responsibilities and contributions made by each member in the team to complete the project.
7. Timeline
Provide an outline of important steps for successful completion of your project with milestones along the way and when you will complete each of them? Note – a timeline is a detailed listing of each step of your project.
8. References
List all the relevant references of relevant studies, statistics, information, and individuals consulted in the preparation of the project proposal.