Demonstrate an understanding of the organisational context that informs practice with people who are ageing and/or have a disability

Assignment Task
Apply a strengths-based and person-centred approach and develop a plan to support the family in the case study (case study attached in uploaded documents).
Task Description
• Discuss, in your answer which models and theoretical perspective you will utilise to develop the plan.
• In your plan describe the service delivery models for people with a disability and ageing and which service you would utilise.
• Highlight the convergence and divergence between ageing and disability in the services to be provided in the plan.
• Show an understanding of the lived experience of families with a member with a disability and the difficulties faced at a major life stage were the plan is required.
• Demonstrate an understanding of person-centred care of people who are ageing and/or have a disability;
• Demonstrate an understanding of the organisational context that informs practice with people who are ageing and/or have a disability

Must be researched and written in the Australian Context. Must be well referenced. Intext referencing must sufficient. Credible academic literature as well as industry level publications and resources that provide a substantial basis for the analysis shall be used. APA style referencing.

Please see message to writer for addressing criteria