Do prosecuting attorneys have too much power? Should prosecutors be subject to civil liability when they engage in misconduct? Discuss how to promote and facilitate the ethical conduct and professionalism of prosecutors

Instructions for the Discussion:
Click on the link above to watch the video Prosecutorial Misconduct. Respond to the following prompts in the discussion topic:
Do prosecuting attorneys have too much power? Should prosecutors be subject to civil liability when they engage in misconduct? Discuss how to promote and facilitate the ethical conduct and professionalism of prosecutors
Each full-page should include at least three complete paragraphs. Margins are to be 1″ on all four sides, Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced lines. Save documents as Rich Text Files (RTF) or word.doc files — no exceptions. Excessive grammatical and spelling errors are unacceptable, so edit and revise carefully. Use APA formatting when citing sources and include a reference page.
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Textbook Title: America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System
Edition #: 13
Author(s): David W. Neubauer; Henry F. Fradella