What has been your favorite film we have watched in class, and why? Along with that chosen film, select another we have watched in class and compare the two

Typed document of at least 2 pages (using 1” margins and 12-point double-spaced type) on the selected film shown in class/viewed on your own.
A Microsoft Word version of your paper submitted through Blackboard (under Content) before class on the due date.
The paper should include the name, director, and year the movie was released either at the top of the page or within the paper.
Film titles should be listed in either italics or “quotes” each time the title is referenced.
Significant characters must be correctly spelled, and you must list in parentheses the actor portraying the character.
You only need to include the actors’ names once in the paper, when you introduce the character the first time.
Use actors or characters’ first and last names the first time they are introduced, then only use their last name (unless multiple characters have the same last name and it would be confusing).
Late papers will receive an immediate one letter grade reduction with the last possible submission date one week after the due date.

The Analysis Papers:

Paper 1: How has what you have learned thus far in the film course enhanced your enjoyment of your favorite film (not necessarily a film we have watched in class)? What elements are you observing you had not noticed before? Due September 29 by 5:30 p.m.
Paper 2: What has been your favorite film we have watched in class, and why? Along with that chosen film, select another we have watched in class and compare the two. Please incorporate your increased knowledge of film and its elements (such as lighting, character development, costumes, etc.). Due November 10 by 5:30 p.m.