What is COVID-19? When did this pandemic reach the United States? What impacts did it have on the national economy?Discuss.

Please provide at least three (3) bullet point answers for each of the questions, below. After providing the bullet point answers under each question, please list the journal, newspaper article, or book from which you garnered your answers:
What is COVID-19?
When did this pandemic reach the United States?
What impacts did it have on the national economy?
What impacts did it have on Brooklyn or New York City?
Discuss the ways in which it impacted you and your love ones?

Instructions: This assignment should be typed and its minimum length is 1 full page addressing the questions and instructions delineated above. The assignment should be double spaced. The assignment should have a 1 inch right and left margins. Additionally, please utilize the 12 points Times New Roman font. As a rule if you satisfy the minimum requirements your paper’s grade will be a C+. Please submit the paper in Bb (Blackboard).