Compare the features and aims of programme management with project management.

1. Compare the features and aims of programme management with project
2. Define the principles of portfolio management.
3. Examine the differences between programmes and portfolios.
4. Evaluate the relation between portfolio management and organizational
5. Evaluate the efficacy of various portfolio selection tools and techniques
(ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,1.4, 1.5, 1.6)
6. Critically assess the benefits of the Project Management Office.
7. Assess the implementation of a levelled Project Management Office structure.
8. Critically evaluate the stages involved in planning and implementing the
Project management Office.
9. Create a Project Management Office charter for an organisation.
(ACs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)
Section B
1. Define what global supply chain ecosystem is.
2. Explain how to map global supply chain ecosystem.
3. Explain the use of the ecosystem framework in supply chain analysis.
4. Examine how modern manufacturing and services are intertwined.
(ACs 3.1,3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
5. Critically assess the relationship between logistics and information systems.
6. Define Critical Success Factors (CSF) for IT integration in logistics.
7. Design a framework to integrate IT into the Total Logistic System.

(ACs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)
Delivery and Submission
 1x Report MS Word processed file
 3500 words excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices
“Assignment_Brief_Advanced_Project_and_Logistics_Management” carefully and follow the instructions given. Please make sure to write a Senior Management report to the project scenario which is given and to include all the assessment criteria which is given in Section A and Section B

The Senior Management report has to be written in MLA Style (Paper Format) and with Harvard Style reference!