Identify a problem related to a topic of interest, develop a research question from that problem, and identify ways in which the research could be conducted.

In this course you will write a research proposal that presents and justifies the need to study a research problem related to translation. You will not actually conduct the study. Rather, you will identify a problem related to a topic of interest, develop a research question from that problem, and identify ways in which the research could be conducted. Your Final Proposal, due Week 14, will be between 10 and 15 pages. The following assignments will contribute to your proposal.

Project Deliverables:
Research Proposal: Draft Title, Aims, Context, Problem, Question – Due Week 4
Research Proposal: Literature Review – Due Week 7
Research Proposal: Data Analysis and Final Proposal – Due Week 14

Action Items:
Review the readings for this week.
Identify a problem related to translation research that is important to you.
Compose 2-3 pages on Word in which you:
State a problem related to translation research.
Describe one aim of research about this problem.
Explain the background from which the problem comes.
Develop research questions based on the problem.
Draft a title for your research proposal.