What did you learn about this person’s health that was not evident before the screening?Explain.


Part 1: Screening

You are to prepare a screening document that further breaks down each of the six content areas of the SPICES tool.  Using the template provided to help organize the screening process, complete the following for each area of SPICES:

What might be the cause of problems in each area of the tool?
-Think outside the box as there usually are many possible causes.
– Remember that elderly persons do not always exhibit the “normally expected” signs and symptoms.
What questions should be asked to help identify problems in each area?
Leave spaces to document the client’s responses.

Print a copy of your formatted, organized tool. Use Part 1 to complete the screening and document responses.

Part 2: Teaching

Early detection and intervention are important. Teaching is a fundamental nursing intervention. Complete Part 2 of the template which will serve as the teaching tool for your client. Serve as a teaching tool for your client.
Identify evidence-based interventions for each area of the SPICES tool.
– Cite your sources.
Include self-care strategies to address the health promotion and/or safety problems you identified.

Print a copy of Part 2 and use it to provide teaching to the person you evaluated. Provide them with a copy of the teaching tool.
Part 3: Summarizing

Your completed assignment submission must include each of the following elements listed below.
Part 1- Screening tool (including client responses)
Part 2- Teaching tool
Part 3- Summary
– Begin with an introduction of the person you screened.
– Include your evaluation of the screening results.
– What did you learn about this person’s health that was not evident before the screening?
– What evidence-based self-care strategies did you discuss?
– Cite your sources.
– Was the person that you screened receptive to teaching?
– What might be the outcome if the problem(s) identified are overlooked or not addressed?
– Should this screening be repeated?
-When and why?

Students, please document the number of hours you dedicated to this assignment and add the Clinical Practice Experience Log to the end of your Assignment submission.
Note: Submissions that do not include a CPE Log will not be graded.

Your paper should have a reference page which includes the resources used for the evidence-based self-care strategies.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:
be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above)
consult the Grading Rubric to make sure you have included everything necessary;
utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and

Your writing Assignment should:
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
use APA 6th edition format for citations and references.