Explain how the system of American government was designed to work and evaluate its success – from its foundation until the present. In your answer, be sure to address the origin and development of constitutional democracy

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Explain how the system of American government was designed to work and evaluate its success – from its foundation until the present. In your answer, be sure to address the origin and development of constitutional democracy;

Explain how the federal system works; describe the separation of powers and system of checks and balances (both the theory and at least one example of how it works in practice); and explain how our civil liberties are protected and how our civil rights have expanded the rights of Americans since our government’s inception. Note: You should develop each section giving each to due (a one-sentence answer for any of the chapters is not acceptable. This should result in an introduction, a paragraph per chapter tested, and a summary (or minimum of 6 paragraphs). Do NOT tum in your answers to the Exam I Review as your exam. The exam is an essay with your own integration of the material, not a series of answers to questions listed on the Review.