Briefly explain the policy and how it is relevant to your client’s area of concern/problem situation.


Social Policy: 3 pages
Select and describe one or more of the most relevant social policies relevant to the practice
situation. This policy section refers to state and federal policies (laws, court decisions, or
regulations), not agency policy. Be sure to cite the laws and policies correctly (as you should with
all literature you reference).

Briefly explain the policy and how it is relevant to your client’s area of concern/problem situation.
Use a policy analysis model to analyze the effectiveness of the policy for the general client group
you have chosen and then your client specifically. Include carefully referenced literature sources
including books; peer-reviewed journal articles; research studies; government documents, reports
and data; and web sites. While this is not expected in the space available to be a full policy analysis,
you should draw on one of the policy analysis models with which you are familiar, and reference
the model fully.

Based on your analysis, what would you advocate in terms of policy review, application, formulation, or revision?