Explain the company overview, current use/approach of technology, and relevant information related to the history of technology.

Week 6 Project

Topic: Adding a Succession Planning Software into a Company Who Currently Utilizes Pen and Paper as their form of Succession Planning Record Keeping

Company to Research: Live Nation Entertainment

Complete the Following two bullet points:

• Introduction – explain the company overview, current use/approach of technology, and relevant information related to the history of technology.
• Recommendations – support your recommendation to explain why you are making it.

Your Recommendation Options are to compare these three companies: to decide which will be the selected company that will be discussed for purchasing. For this section you should include a detailed bar graph as to what each of the companies offer and what their costs are and any other relevant information that you would use in order to make a decision on one company over the others. Produce a simple chart that allows the 3 companies to be compared on items that will help make a good decision, option to be compared against would be cost, user access, training, user friendly, etc. as you research what these three websites speak as their selling points add that into the chart and see how the other two business compare.

For the chart feel free to make a simple chart with the three business names at the top and then the item being compared on the left and then mark yes or no in each of the boxes under that company. Or if We are reviewing a question that does not have a yes or no response, then provide the response needed under each business bidding for the contract. You should also have a financial area where the cost is shown under each of the businesses.

You will be comparining the following businesses against each other.
1. Talent Guard
2. Cornerstone Onedemand
3. BullseyeEngagement
The final recommendation should be for BullseyeEnagement. So make you that your data in the chart does align BullseyeEngagement as the best.

This is not an APA style formatted paper. You may choose to type your responses and build your chart in a word document or you may choose to Provide the materials by PowerPoint and make it more eye catchy.

Just make sure you answer both of the two bullets points. Bullet point 1 is – Introduction and explaining Live Nation and why they may be needed to change from their current form of Succession Planning to selecting one of these three business softwares to complete their areas of their business.

Then the second bullet point Recommendations. This is where you will have the table of the three business and make an argument for why one business is better to go with. And provide a brief write up as to why you have selected this option over the others.

****Be sure to include the proper reference for each of the 3 businesses reviewed