Describe the lead generation process in this case study and perform a critical thinking analysis using a SWOT analysis on the approach taken in this case. Using the lead generation model, what do you recommend as a better approach than the one used in the case and why?

The Internet marketing Conversion and Optimization Strategy Plan Part 1 will be a minimum of 1500 words. It will contain an introduction of minimum of 150 words, a detailed Lead generation strategy plan that addresses each of the below concerns, and a reference page. You will use the book chapter and the included guidelines. At least 3 scholarly references must be used. In addition, you must also quote the textbook. Current APA format must be followed. You will submit to a SafeAssign link to be checked for plagiarism.
Please see the Professor’s notes at the end of this document and the chapter. The chapter provides detailed information on how to complete 1 & 3 of the assignment.
The company we will focus on is Acme Glass and mirror. Please visit their website at

Lead Generation
1. Describe the lead generation process in this case study and perform a critical thinking analysis using a SWOT analysis on the approach taken in this case. Using the lead generation model, what do you recommend as a better approach than the one used in the case and why?
2. Calculate the ROI for lead generation using the formula found on this website:
3. Apply the 4 approaches that clarify strategic options in lead generation for this strategy plan.

Chapter 13 of the textbook must be used for guidance.