Describe why you chose this country and its current economic status. Describe its current situation from a national and corporate view.

– Topic: Country assessment & analysis: International Trade
– Pick a country (other than USA)
– Conduct an assessment that applies your textbook ( a good way to study for the Sep 15 midterm ) and class learning
– As a suggestion, use the textbook chapters as an outline

Country ________
1.Introduction – Describe why you chose this country and its current economic status. Describe its current situation from a national and corporate view.
2. (Chapter 1) Analyze the obstacles and opportunities the country has for economic growth via international trade. Describe controllable and uncontrollable elements. Identify any possible SRCs that may be limiting.
3. (Chapter 2) Describe the country’s current level of international trade, balance of payments, key partners/competitors, and level of protectionism (describe any key current policy like tariffs, embargoes, etc) . How does the country engage (or not) with world trade organizations.
4. (Chapters 3-7) Explore any relevant cultural (history, geography, management style, politics, legal) elements
5. Conclusion: Summarize your findings and provide a recommendation (as to whether you believe the country would be a good prospect to do business in for “Acme Global”) and/or provide a business outlook