Determine their probable impact on the company or its divisions as precisely as possible.

In this assessment you’ll develop an issue management plan for Tennis Australia and work on the Smoke issue from the recent Bushfires (2019-2020)

Step 1–Monitoring
Analyze the business environment.
Scan and monitor what is being said, written and done by public, media, interest groups, government and other opinion leaders.
What is being said on social media?
Are social trends emerging that can impact on the organization? (privacy, GMO, whistleblowers, environment, hacking, anti-vaccination, etc)
Consider what may impact on the organisation or its divisions.

Step 2–Identification
Assess from the business environment those elements that are important
Look for new patterns emerging from what most people take for granted.
Identify the issues that impact on the organisation and are gaining widespread support or interest.
What is the type of issue and where is it in its lifecycle?

Step 3–Prioritization
How far-reaching will an issue’s impact be (product sector, company, industry)?
Assess what is at stake—Profit? Reputation? Freedom of action – regulation?
What is the probability of occurrence?
How immediate is the issue?

Step 4–Analysis
Analyze the most important issues in some detail.
Determine their probable impact on the company or its divisions as precisely as possible.
Establish issue support teams if appropriate.
Identify/rank stakeholders.