Discuss.What does voting have to do with social work? How can voting be considered social work?

Question 1 – Generalist Practice and Voting (1/2 page)
What does voting have to do with social work? How can voting be considered social work?

Question 2 – Underrepresentation in Voting (1/2 page)
BLM’s #WhatMatters2020, at  “aims to vigorously engage underrepresented communities in the electoral process.” According to #WhatMatters2020, which groups are underrepresented in the electoral process? What does voter repression have to do with racial injustice?

Question 3 – Client Systems and Voting (1-2 pages)
Social work practice can take place at the microlevel, the mezzo-level, or the macro-level. Describe interventions that social workers could potentially use to address issues of voter repression among underrepresented groups at the each of these three levels.