Discuss,Was this video useful in preparing me to run my own group? Why or why not? What are some of the things I noticed and felt were important (if anything) in the video?

Please watch at least 40 minutes of the video. You do NOT have to start at the beginning and it is FINE to jump around.

This video is also from Stir Fry Seminars (Lee Mun Wah) and includes women as well as men.
After reviewing the video, please write a 1/2 – 1-page reflection paper discussing your thoughts in relation to the material in the video. Some questions to get you thinking:
Was this video useful in preparing me to run my own group? Why or why not?
What are some of the things I noticed and felt were important (if anything) in the video?
Can I see myself doing any of the things that were modeled/mentioned in the videos? Why or why not?
Would I enjoy having a group where these topics were part of the conversation? Discuss.
Would I feel comfortable running a group where these topics were part of the conversation? Discuss.