Do’s and Don’ts,Explain the negative impact it can have on the child if these steps are not part of the educators everyday work ethic. Please be specific and spill your passion on this.

The paper has been written however some changes need to be made.
1. Change non-white to children of colour. Eerywhere, the term non-white is offensive. it should be Children of Colour.
2. I will upload a pdf of the rule that needs to be applies, the Literature Review is now being used as a method so the paper is not qualitative, there will be no interviews. Please read through the pdf file everything will be explained there.

These are the changes that need to be made.

One thing needs to be added;

1. Add 10 different guidelines on how an educator should work with children of colour. How to empower them mentally, emotionally about their physical appearance.

How to ensure, equity in a group or a classroom, and how its different to equality. Use the references you have, or you can use other ones aswell.

Do’s and Don’ts basically, explain the negative impact it can have on the child if these steps are not part of the educators everyday work ethic. Please be specific and spill your passion on this. I will be making a leaflet of the 10 steps to take reconsideration when working with children of colour to ensure a great society and future for us all. Also explain why they need it, because their minority and often can feel alienated here in Finland, You can use global knowledge aswell maybe even mention a BLM. & black history if it helps.