Explain who did you have to communicate with, how often and why?

1)What is the Project about?
2) answer the following questions in as much detail as possible
The aim of my project is to ……………
In order to achieve this, I will be ……………
Once I complete my project this will ……………………..
3) SMART Objectives –  use the attached SMART Objectives Project template and complete in full. Think about some targets and what you were aiming to achieve before the Project had even started – What did you want to achieve?
4) SWOT Analysis –  use the attached SWOT Template and complete in full. There is an information sheet attached which you need to read and will help you to think about what types of things you can write. Once this form has been completed please send back to me and I will transfer the information into the PPT for you.
5) Who were the people involved in your Project? Refer to the Project workbook for a description(Attached).
Who was the Project Sponsor?
Who was the Project Manager?
Who was in your Project Team?
Who else would you have communicated with in relation to the Project, Other Departments/outside organisations etc.,
Once you have a list of names –  can you identify the following against their names:
· Who was Responsible?
· Who was Accountable?
· Who had to be consulted about anything ?
· Who had to be informed about anything?
6) Communication Plan – who did you have to communicate with, how often and why?
7) Risks & Contingencies –  use the Risk Analysis and Contingency Plan Template – There is also an example guide to help you. Here again at the start of the Project, you need to list some of the risks, think how sever these risks are – Red for more likely – Amber less likely , Green – not likely to occur. It is important to list everything, so that you are showing that as part of the Project you considered these risk and also had a plan if this risks did happen (contingency plan)