How did the teacher transition to the next subject area? How did students respond? How and what methods were used for assessment?

Lessons (Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies)
Delivery (lecture, whole group, small group, hands-on activities)
Diversity (various learning styles, diversity among students- mentally/physically challenged, classroom displays, literature in classroom
How students were accommodated in the classroom.
Share what you observed in content areas (math, science etc.)
Classroom Management (transitioning, discipline, methods) Give at least 1 example if possible.
Use of technology (computer- PowerPoint, learning games etc., Smartboard, Whiteboard)
How did the teacher transition to the next subject area? How did students respond?
How and what methods were used for assessment?
Additional teacher responsibilities (collecting money- (picture), bus duty, lunch count, meetings- parents, PTA, school-wide, grade level (if observed)
How will you use what you have learned?
What will you do differently?