How does class or level of wealth affect what the narrator or characters are acting on?

To begin researching for the next module’s Critical Response Essay, you will complete a mini-research project using the OCC library’s database. You may expand this project to complete your Critical Response Essay. Please refer back to Module 3 and the schools of literary criticism (Links to an external site.).
1. Select a reading of fiction from what we have read thus far this semester and craft a thesis statement that makes an argument about the work using one of the schools of criticism. For example:
• What about the genders of the characters that affect your reading? (Gender Study)
• Do any of the events of the author’s life seem relevant to the work? (Biographic Criticism)
• Do the characters seem to display behaviors that modern psychologists would find interesting? (Psychoanalytic Criticism)
• How does class or level of wealth affect what the narrator or characters are acting on? (Marxist Criticism)
• How do you think this particular reading assignment fits into its period of time? (Historical Literary Criticism)
• How does the race of the characters or author come into the narrative? (African American Literary Criticism, Ethnic Criticism)