Identify the main causes for each respective grouping’s immigration to the United States. What motivated large numbers of people to leave the three regions (Ireland, China, Eastern Europe) discussed in course readings?

The United States witnessed multiple waves of mass migration from various regions of the world over the course of the nineteenth century. In one period (1840s – 1860s), large numbers of immigrants from Ireland arrived to the United States at a key turning point in the nation’s history. In a later period (1880s – 1920s), new waves of immigrants settled in the United States, including millions of arrivals from Italy, China, and Eastern Europe (notably Jewish immigrants). In the first part of your essay
(1): Identify the main causes for each respective grouping’s immigration to the United States. What motivated large numbers of people to leave the three regions (Ireland, China, Eastern Europe) discussed in course readings?
(2): In our readings, Takaki describes the dual-nature of discrimination: on one hand racial or ethnic discrimination negatively impacted these immigrant groups, on the other hand, exclusion also cultivated close bonds and produced a unique cultural vibrancy among each immigrant group. The Jewish landsmanshaft association is one example discussed this semester. In the second part of your essay compare and contrast how the “dual nature of discrimination” took shape among the three immigration groups in question. Can you argue if any were exceptional or particularly unique? Is it possible to identify a common thread that runs through all four groups?

The paper should follow the basic format of: introduction, body, conclusion, and footnotes that follow the Chicago-style format (do not cite in the body of the text).

All papers should be five-to-seven pages and contain the student’s own, individual voice that is supported with evidence and facts drawn from the assigned readings. Other secondary sources used to complement or strengthen your argument are acceptable, however Wikipedia entries and blog posts are not acceptable as sources.

Papers must be double-spaced, 12-point font, and Times New Roman.