Identify three key, distinct, internal and/or external publics (not individuals) associated with such an event outside of the media, and clearly explain why it is important for your city to communicate with them in this situation. The publics can overlap but they cannot be identical. The publics must represent logical choices and be specific enough.

Write concisely and divide your paper into four sections (A through D):

Part A: List the city and country you are working for. This needs to be a real city and country anywhere in the world. List a hypothetical major weather event.

Part B: Identify three key, distinct, internal and/or external publics (not individuals) associated with such an event outside of the media, and clearly explain why it is important for your city to communicate with them in this situation. The publics can overlap but they cannot be identical. The publics must represent logical choices and be specific enough. However, the publics should not be too specific for no clear reason. For example, people aged 31-32 is not a logical choice as this age group is unlikely to have distinct communication needs. That said, age can be used to segment your publics if appropriate in this case.

Part C: For each public, state and explain a communication objective and identify what type it is (informational, attitudinal, or behavioral). Each objective statement must be one sentence long (not more) and must follow the rules discussed in mass communication and must be logical and realistic for each public.The proposed time period must be realistic and specific. For example, if you propose “within two months,” then clarify when the two- month period starts. After stating each communication objective, clearly explain why it is a good objective in 1-2 sentences.

Part D: Create a textual mock up message for one of your publics. Include the following for this section:
Clearly identify ONE key public articulated in Part B for this message.
Clearly identify ONE medium that will be used to disseminate the message and explain the rationale behind your choice.
Create a message that achieves the objective you stated for that public in Part C (not to exceed 100 words). Don’t describe the message and do not use any images. Instead, write it. Clearly incorporate either ethos, pathos, or logos in this message (include only one). Add one line to explain which one you used and clearly specify where it is present.