Reflect on the importance of generating multiple strategies to guide thinkers to select appropriate strategies to find the best solution.

Using the Mathematics Mystery Contest scenario as a model, you will continue to design your own scenario-based game. You will incorporate best practices in problem solving and demonstrate your understanding of concepts from algebra in this module. You will create a component of the final game user guide to be submitted in Module 5.
Complete the Module 2 component of the game user guide in a Word document.
Use APA format for the guide components and their titles, references page, and in-text citations.
Submit the Module 2 component of the game user guide in this module. You will compile and submit your final guide in Module 5.
Step 1. Connect to Algebra
Continuing work on your game user guide, and using the component identified in the Module 1 assignment, Step 4, describe the task in detail which uses an algebraic concept. Clearly identify this connection to the branch of mathematics.
Step 2. Incorporate a Mathematical Practice
Reviewing the component, incorporate one aspect of mathematical practice which needs to be improved.
Identify the practice.
Create an aspect of Task 2 which models how to accomplish the practice.
Create a step in Task 2 which exercises the identified practice.
Step 3. Reflect
In two or three paragraphs, reflect on the importance of generating multiple strategies to guide thinkers to select appropriate strategies to find the best solution.