Discuss rationale for why this intervention was chosen and how it is based on the needs of the practicum site.

Problem Statement and Significance of the Practice Problem (include in-text citations)
Present your problem statement.
Examine the issue and its significance from a global perspective.
Consider the issue and its significance from a nationwide perspective.
Discuss the issue and its significance within the practicum site.
Describe current practice/process leading to the issue.
Discuss available data to document the need identified by primary decision maker(s) at practicum site.
PICOT Question
Based on the need of the practicum site, present a PICOT question in one sentence.
Based on the needs of the practicum site, briefly describe in one or two sentences each part of your PICOT question.
Project Implementation and Evaluation Plan
Clearly define the DNP project evidence-based intervention related to your PICOT question.
Discuss rationale for why this intervention was chosen and how it is based on the needs of the practicum site.
Discuss how you will protect participants and whether the facility will require IRB approval. If so, discuss the process for obtaining approval.
Present a minimum of 5-10 sources of evidence which support the project intervention within the last 5 years.
Propose outcomes/goals for project and how they will be evaluated.
Given you only have 8-10 weeks to implement your project, discuss its feasibility. Will you be able to accomplish everything you want to do as far as implementation in 8-10 weeks? What barriers might you have and how will you overcome them?
Discuss the data collection plan for your project, identifying the instrument and discus its reliability and validity.
Explain your plan for data analysis.
Provide a concise overview of what you will do during each week of the 8 weeks of your implementation phase of your project to address the issue within the practicum site. Use a GANTT chart if it is helpful.
Resources Including Financial Budget
Describe the various resources you will need during your implementation phase (i.e., conference room(s), projector, handouts, human resources, etc.).
Propose how this will be financed, sources of revenue.
Explain the financial impact, if any, on the organization.
Effectively summarize your project plans in one to two comprehensive yet concise paragraphs that clearly describe your project plans and how you will implement the project and evaluate the change project.