Explain In what stage of phonological development is Gianna in? That is, is she (a) in the pre-linguistic speech sound development stage? (b) Or in the first words stage? (c) Or in the stage characterized by phonological processes? (d) Or in the period of phonetic inventory completion? (e) Or in the stage of advanced phonology?

1.In what stage of phonological development is Gianna in? That is, is she (a) in the pre-linguistic speech sound development stage? (b) Or in the first words stage? (c) Or in the stage characterized by phonological processes? (d) Or in the period of phonetic inventory completion? (e) Or in the stage of advanced phonology? Justify your answer by giving her pronunciation accuracy(in %).2.Describe at least 4 of Gianna’s phonological processes. Provides different examples for each.LEXICAL DEVELOPMENTDoes Gianna use wordsreferentially(as adults) or are there some context-bound words,over- andunder-extensions?Define each of theseand give examplesfrom the sample. Calculate thesample’slexical diversity and discuss whether there are more nouns,verbsoradjectivesin the sample. 6KRZWKDW\RXFDQLGHQWLI\QRXQVYHUEVDQGDGMHFWLYHVZLWKH[DPSOHVHow to calculate thesample’s lexical diversity:BCountall nouns, verbs and adjectives in the sample.CFor example, let’ssay the child says:dog,blue,go,house,go,pretty,dog,big,cat,blue.DCountallthesewords(onlynouns,verbsandadjectives):10totalwords.ECountalldifferent words(norepetitionscounted):dog,blue,go,house,pretty,big,cat=7FDividethenumberofdifferentwords(7)bythenumberoftotalwords(10)= 7/10= 0.7GRatiosabove0.5meanthevocabularyinthesampleisvaried.HRatioslowerthan0.5meanthatthe vocabularyis repetitive.IA 0.7ratioindicatesthatthechild’svocabularyinthesampleisavaried