Describe what methods you will use to assess the effectiveness of the interventions you might pull from the studies you found. Considering that the research-based interventions you found may not always be effective, explain what you would do in such situations.

For part one of this week’s assignment, prepare concrete
comprehensive guidelines for yourself on how you will:
1. ASK: Describe how you will decide on the type of question
you are researching. Be specific in your decision-making
process and what criteria you will use. For example, will you
use one of the classifications of questions discussed in your
text in the Defining the Purpose of the Search section to
formulate your questions?
2. ACQUIRE: Describe how you will find research articles to
answer your question.
3. APPRAISE: Describe how you will determine the quality of the
research, to whom the findings apply and in what contexts
they are appropriate. Consider all that we have covered to
date on evaluating research studies and identify what
checklists or rubrics you’ll use to appraise the studies you
find (e.g., Appendix II in the text, any of the readings from
Week 7).
4. APPLY: Describe how you will integrate the research findings
with your experience to date and your hypothetical client
population and clinical context. In other words, envision who
you might work with and where you might work with them,
and then describe how you will decide on the most effective
way to use research findings in your therapy with such
clients. What kinds of information do you anticipate pulling
from research articles to guide your work with such clients?
5. ANALYZE AND ADJUST: Describe what methods you will use
to assess the effectiveness of the interventions you might pull
from the studies you found. Considering that the
research-based interventions you found may not always be
effective, explain what you would do in such situations.