Did your shared behavioral rehearsal go as planned, or was it totally different than you imagined it would be?

Write a detailed narrative of what happened in the behavior rehearsal.

What did you do?
How were your behaviors received?
How satisfied were you with your performance of the behaviors in your goal from Part 4E?
6B. Reflection on Observations and Reactions
Address your observations and reactions to the shared behavior rehearsal experience of role-playing with a friend or family member who is not directly involved in your communication problem. (1-2 paragraphs)

How did you choose your shared behavior rehearsal partner?
Does he or she know about the person or situation being focused on for your CCC goal?
Does he or she normally offer guidance and advice in a trustworthy manner already in your established relationship with this person?
6C. Reflection on Planning
Write your observations and reactions to the shared behavior rehearsal experience as far as planning is concerned. (1-2 paragraphs)

Did your shared behavioral rehearsal go as planned, or was it totally different than you imagined it would be?
How did you feel at first as you prepared for your shared behavioral rehearsal?
How did you feel after you finished it? What behaviors or patterns did you use from Part 4E?
Did you notice any new behaviors or patterns that you have not noted previously?
Use the Week 5 and 6 templates for this assignment also compare with the use of challenge 4 and 3 are attached also to help aid in this assignment