How did the session start out once the roles were read? What were your impressions of the role play?Discuss.

o Write a 2-3 page debrief about:
 How did the session start out once the roles were read? What were your
impressions of the role play?
 What were the issues? How was the conflict addressed?
 Provide evidence of what you observed, in the other person under the ‘To
What Extent Did You…” Use these sections as a starting point in your
assignment. Answer the following:
 What emotions were shown? By who and in what way?
 In what ways did either party express concern, support, judgement, empathy?
 Pick a role (Manager/Employee) – What would you have done differently in
the conversation to address the conflict and then what solutions would you
recommend improving the working relationship.
o Requirements: Each paper submitted in this course must have a title page and a
reference page. You must include the Zoom link at the end of the written page
(prior to the reference page). Proper APA 6th Edition must be followed.