What are similarities in the setting of both stories? How does the setting function as a character in each story? What are specific scenes in each story that you find compelling or significant?


A few ideas for comparisons; you may choose a different element of craft:

For Setting

What are similarities in the setting of both stories?

How does the setting function as a character in each story?

What are specific scenes in each story that you find compelling or significant?

Does the setting change within each story? Where do you see this happening, and why do you think the author made the choice to do so?

Or, if you choose to analyze the point of view in both stories:

1. Why did the author choose the point of view he or she did?

How and where do you see point of view working specifically in the text?

How does the point of view help to create a specific “tone” or “voice” in each story?

Does the point of view change within the story? Where do you see this happening, and why do you think the author made the choice to do so?