Which theory is most applicable, and why?Do you agree or disagree, and why?nclude any limitations or obstacles. Identify the role of media selected (ex. video games) in society moving forward.Discuss.

Instructions: Please select a topic in mass communication that has captured your attention this semester. This should be approximately 5 pages of content (excluding the title page, references, additional material) but please do not exceed 8 pages. Please follow APA format for at least 4 academic references and do not forget to include in-text cites within your paper for every fact, information, etc. that is not your own original idea. Cite to the source please.

Paper should be written in the third person (avoid “I” or “you”) except for the section where you are sharing your personal opinion (1 page).

Don’t forget that every paper should have an introduction paragraph as well as a conclusion paragraph. All formal writing standards apply, including but not limited to 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and as noted in the course syllabus.

Components of the paper (you can use these as headings in the paper as well):
Introduction paragraph – engage the audience to build up interest in your topic, and include a thesis statement (this should be at the end of this paragraph)
Brief Overview of Topic – what will you be examining, and why (no more than 2 paragraphs)
What does the research show? – This should set the stage and puts everything into context for the audience.
Theory – which theory is most applicable, and why? (no more than one page)
Evaluation — Do you agree or disagree, and why? Include any limitations or obstacles. Identify the role of media selected (ex. video games) in society moving forward.
Conclusion paragraph – reminding the audience of your main ideas (one brief paragraph)
References following APA.


Example of Final Paper Outline:

I. Introduction
a. Brief background of your topic selected. Please put it into context, and include why it is important to be discussing this issue.
b. Thesis Statement

Transition Sentence: In order to gain a better understanding of the message being communicated about immigration, it is important to take a closer look at both campaigns.

II. Overview of topic
a. Main Idea #1 (repeat this for as many main ideas as you have)
i. Sub-point
1. Supporting Material
ii. Sub-point
1. Supporting Material
2. Supporting Material
b. Main Idea #2
i. Sub-point
1. Supporting Material
ii. Sub-point
1. Supporting Material
Transition Sentence:

III. Research (follow the same model as for Overview of Topic)

Transition Sentence:

IV. Theory – select one which is most applicable Communication (follow the same model as for Overview of Topic )

Transition Sentence:

V. Evaluation — do you agree or disagree, why? Include limitations or obstacles (follow the same model as for Overview of Topic)

Transition Sentence: As you can see, the field of public relations serves a critical role in how we process and understand different media messages.

VI. Conclusion
a. Review your main points (no new facts introduced)
b. End with a strong statement

(should be on a separate page) and must comply with APA style and format (see Purdue OWL link in our Moodle course)