Discuss in detail at least two methods for decreasing moral distress in the workplace that are supported by scholarly evidence.

Develop a 5-10 line script using cooperative strategies to resolve the conflict between you, Nurse Maggie, and Nurse George. Download the script template for this assignment.
Part 2: Essay Writing
Develop a 2-3 page explanatory essay that addresses the following information:
Elaborate on the nurse manager’s role in conflict resolution and team building.
Develop at least two interventions for decreasing incivility in the workplace that are supported by scholarly evidence.
Discuss in detail at least two methods for decreasing moral distress in the workplace that are supported by scholarly evidence.
You must include at least three evidence-based, peer-reviewed resources to support your ideas. These include .gov and .org professional websites, journal articles, and your textbook(s).
You must include headings in your submission indicating each section. This is a key concept to professional writing. It is also a fantastic method for ensuring you have met all Assignment requirements. Use the grading rubric as a checklist once you are completed to verify you have addressed all components of the Assignment.
The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained.