Compose a 3-page argument essay about a topic in your area of certification area (e.g., in biology one can compose an argument about evolution vs creationism, etc.; in earth science one can compose an argument about carbon dioxide and its effects on global warming, etc.).

Argument Essay

There are two parts to this assignment. In the first part compose a 3-page argument essay about a topic in your area of certification area (e.g., in biology one can compose an argument about evolution vs creationism, etc.; in earth science one can compose an argument about carbon dioxide and its effects on global warming, etc.). This essay should assert your thesis (position statement) with claims containing evidence supporting your thesis (position statement). The argument should close with and a conclusion (warrant). You can include a refutation of the counter-argument but it is not required for this assignment.

The second part of this assignment is to compose a screencast of at least four slides that summarizes your argument. The screencast provides an overview of your essay and should be brief (60 seconds is fine): One slide will be your topic; the 2nd slide will introduce your thesis that will be discussed in your paper; the 3rd slide will present your claims with evidence and a warrant or closing; the 4th slide contains a graphic organizer illustrating your argument with its thesis, claims, evidence, and warrant (conclusion). Of course, you can have more slides but only four are required. Please insert the URL to your screencast into your Word document.