Identify and discuss some specific community organizations/agencies that are currently available to these provide support to families.

• Include a thorough description of the type of family you have selected to research.

• Determine possible influences the family has on the community.
• Determine possible influences the community has on the family.
• Identify and discuss some specific community organizations/agencies that are currently available to these provide support to families.

• Provide recommendations that would enhance positive interactions with the different support systems, while demonstrating respect for diverse opinions, values and belief systems (i.e., what would make these families feel more comfortable in accessing the support?)

• Provide recommendations or suggestions regarding gaps in community supports. More specifically, is there enough support for that particular “type” of family? If so, why do you think so? If you believe there is not enough support, what do you believe would be a beneficial resource? Describe the details of what you envision.
• End your research paper with a conclusion to sum up the main ideas that you discussed.