Indicate which theory you feel best describes the behavior of the individual you chose and the public’s response to their actions.

You are serving as jury member in the court of public opinion . You will complete the following:
1. Summarize the actions of one of the individuals on the list.(Chose only one 5pts)

2. Briefly Summarize The following Major Theories of Crime that you will be tested on( 15 points)
A. Merton’s Strain Theory B. Labeling Theory/Social Reaction C. Hirschi’s control theory D. Social Disorganization Theory E. Broken windows Hypothesis

3. Indicate which theory you feel best describes the behavior of the individual you chose and the public’s response to their actions. (5 pts)

4. Briefly discuss why if you agree or disagree with the punishments they received (5 pts)

The theories of deviant behavior that you should chose from are discussed in the text/ the chapter summaries/ or can be found online