Critique The Soft Cage based on how it reveals how the U.S. has historically used surveillance to carry out at least three of the particular attributes of the functioning of a state, e.g. government, territory, population, sovereignty, power, and law.

write a 5-7 page book review on the following book: Parenti, Christian. (2003). The Soft Cage: Surveillance in America From Slavery to the War on Terror. New York, NY: Basic Books.

In your review, critique The Soft Cage based on how it reveals how the U.S. has historically used surveillance to carry out at least three of the particular attributes of the functioning of a state, e.g. government, territory, population, sovereignty, power, and law.

Please identify which attributes you are referring to, the types of surveillance technologies used to do this work and the types of materials collected by these technologies (e.g. data, visual, and/or biological).

Ultimately please comment on how these aforementioned surveillance strategies of the U.S. state are related to Parenti’s argument that surveillance is an organic feature of all states but the way in which and the types of surveillance conducted by a state are related to issues of inequality and oppression.

You must include a reference page and in-text citations. You must cite Parenti. You can use other readings to make your point. The essay is due on October 6th at 11:00pm.