Detail the author. Where are they from? University affiliation? Expertise? Experience? Awards achieved?

Being able to read a scholarly publication critically and absorb its contents is a vital skill for any researcher or writer. This assignment will offer a relevant article and require students to evaluate the contents. Students should consider what sources the publication uses – are they oral or archival, and where were they gathered – and the author′s relationship to the material he or she has published. Major debates which relate to the articles should be identified and discussed within the review.
The review must be 2 pages in length and correspond to an appropriate journal format suitable for an academic publication.
Use the source:
Paragraph 1: Detail the author. Where are they from? University affiliation? Expertise? Experience? Awards achieved?
Paragraph 2: What types of sources did the author use? Are they primary or secondary? Archives?
Paragraph 3: What is the central point? Why do we care? What is the author trying to say?
Paragraph 4: What was the impact of the article? Was there any controversy? Was there any debate surrounding the article? What is the importance of the article? How has it changed the narrative? If at all?