Discuss Do you think that IQ tests, despite their biased origins, remain biased even today? Would you advocate for continuing/discontinuing the use of standardized tests (whose origins are closely linked to IQ tests) in admissions to college and graduate school?

Individual Reflection #2
Material covered: Chapters 2 and 3; Preschool in Three Cultures (documentary)
1. In Chapter 2, we discussed the origins of intelligence testing to reveal some of the ways in which they may be biased against racial minority groups, such as asking questions that require cultural knowledge. Drawing on course readings/lecture address the following question: Do you think that IQ tests, despite their biased origins, remain biased even today? Would you advocate for continuing/discontinuing the use of standardized tests (whose origins are closely linked to IQ tests) in admissions to college and graduate school?

2. The APA (American Psychological Association) now requires all clinical training programs to have a formal statement that address how the program handles conflicts of worldviews between therapists and clients. For, example how should a gay therapist handle working with a client who is highly religious and conservative and believes that being gay is wrong? How would you advise that conflicts in worldviews such as these be handled in professional settings such as clinics? Is that different than how worldview conflicts should be handled in personal settings?

3. We can think of worldviews as a cultural “lens” through which we see and understand everything around us. Sometimes when we’re looking through a lens our whole lives, we’re not aware that we are wearing glasses! Reflect on some of your values and beliefs to identify which ones you think might be cultural worldviews. Culture can be construed broadly.