Discuss What are some Gestalt experiments you would like to try in your sessions with her?

Answer the following questions. Discuss the case study from the theoretical orientation. Include in your response the following:

View of human nature,
Key concept(s)

1. Overall, what are your general impressions of Christina? Does she evoke any reactions in you? Knowing what you know of yourself and of Christina, how do you think she will respond to you?

2. What are some Gestalt experiments you would like to try in your sessions with her?

3. I put a lot of emphasis on helping Christina pay attention to whatever she was feeling or experiencing at the moment. What value, if any, do you see in doing this?

4. Does my work with Christina bring to the foreground any of your own unfinished business? How might your own conflicts affect your work with her?

5. Where would you go from here with her? How?

6. Overall, what are your general impressions of David? Does he evoke any reactions in you? Knowing what you know of yourself and of how David is described in this case, how do you think he will respond to you?