Summarize and analyze the article with the material and concepts from this chapter. Apply knowledge to the U.S. Department of Justice and write about an issue in this environment that resonates with you.

Find an article from the business literature that highlights key elements in Chapter 6. Summarize and analyze the article with the material and concepts from this chapter. Apply knowledge to the U.S. Department of Justice and write about an issue in this environment that resonates with you.
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Introduction
1. Is the purpose, problem, or question clearly stated? 2. Is there a compelling case for why the topic is interesting, important, or timely? 3. Does the author indicate how the topic was investigated and how it will be presented?
1. Is enough background information given to familiarize the reader with the topic? 2. Are statements logical and supported with evidence? 3. Is evidence used appropriately? 4. Are multiple sources considered? 5. Are contradictory views to the argument presented? 6. Is the argument clear and plausible? 7. Does the author deal with the topic as established in the introduction?
1. Are the findings summarized adequately? 2. Is the conclusion directly related to the questions asked in the introduction? 3. Does the author indicate her/his own viewpoint? 4. Does the author suggest areas where further research is needed?
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Form
1. Is the paper formatted with headings and/or subheadings? 2. Are the paper and references (bibliography) in APA (or other) style format? 3. Are all borrowed ideas cited by source, using APA (or other) style format? 4. Is spelling and grammar correct? 5. Do any visuals work and add interest?