What strategies you used to meet the health literacy and teaching/learning needs of older adults.

This is a practice experience.  You will meet the following objectives in this assignment:
Evaluate community for a health-related need for older adults.
Search the literature for evidence-based data.
Use health literacy and teaching guidelines for the older adult population to prepare a teaching presentation.
Discuss the potential delivery of topic and evaluation of a teaching project for older adults if no pandemic restrictions.  DO NOT ACTUALLY PRESENT.
1.  Identify a topic of interest considering older adults in your community.
2.  Review the information presented on the CDC site related to health teaching and older adults. Especially look at the material under “Develop & Test Materials” in the left menu.  Under that tab, there is an area “Understanding your Audience.”  See what is recommended for Older Adults. Also, see information under What are the Challenges for older adults?
http://www.cdc.gov/healthliteracy/developmaterials/audiences/index.html (Links to an external site.)
3.  Develop a teaching presentation on the identified topic taking into consideration the teaching/learning needs of older adults.  You can create handouts, pamphlet, powerpoint slides, or video that can be used to present the material. This must be your own work.  Avoid copying already made teaching materials.  Reference and cite as appropriate.  Be sure to prepare your project to meet the needs and challenges of older adults and health information literacy. Work on this week 4.
4.  Consider ways you could deliver your prepared teaching presentation on the identified topic taking into consideration the teaching/learning needs of older adults and cite as appropriate. Be sure to consider the needs and challenges of older adults and health information literacy in both written or oral presentations. Work on this week 4-5
Submit the following to the link above at the end of Week 5 :
Teaching presentation materials.
A narrative word document describing:
Why you chose your topic and methods.
What strategies you used to meet the health literacy and teaching/learning needs of older adults.
description of best implementation/teaching, with methods and strategies to meet the health literacy. NOTE:  you are not to actually deliver the teaching due to restrictions to reduce the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.
This is not full APA but if you used a resource then cite the reference appropriately in the text and give the full reference.  Cite references in teaching materials as appropriate.  See the rubric for more information. Please note that you can attach multiple files in this attempt.  Please be sure that you carefully upload your documents as emailed documents are not accepted without instructor permission.