How familiar will each audience be with the issue at hand and with the terminology?

o Using the available data and tools, create the plots, graphs, and so forth for each audience that match the needs of the audiences.
• Audience Needs
o Contrast the needs and sophistication of the three target audiences.
▪ Will the overall message change for each audience?
▪ How familiar will each audience be with the issue at hand and with the terminology?
▪ How will things such as educational levels, age levels, primary language, cultural diversity, and so forth vary among your target
• Data Visualization Methods
o Provide an explanation of why each data visualization method you chose is appropriate for each audience.
o Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the data visualization methods used.
NOTE: Make sure to save your three visualizations and data selections for next module where additional steps will be taken to change these graphics.
Guidelines for Submission: Submit a Microsoft Word document including your written description and screenshots of your three visualizations.