Summarize How the fear of communism or McCarthyism developed in the US McCarthy and his senate committee

Post-Project Assignment: McCarthyism

“McCarthyism” was an era when the fear of communism dominated American society and government. The term emerged from the actions of US Senator Joseph McCarthy but it refers to a wide-range of activities from roughly 1950-1954.

Write a 2,000-word paper about McCarthyism.

Regarding writing mechanics, the paper must:

Be well-organized and clearly written with proper punctuation and grammar.
Include in-text citations and references in APA.
Include at least four references. Outside sources can be used to provide supplemental information.
Provide a title page.
Regarding content, the paper must include at least the following information: (The list does not imply the order in which they should be mentioned.)

A summary of the origins of the Cold War
How the fear of communism or McCarthyism developed in the US
McCarthy and his senate committee
Differences between HUAC and McCarthy’s committee
Richard Nixon and HUAC
What happened to McCarthy